Posted on 2017-09-07 17:52:53

PETROLEUM JELLY is an emollient that protects your skin by trapping moisture and giving it all the nutrients time and space to regenerate itself. This product will help prevent and heal dry skin and in addition leaving you with a silky, soft glowing skin. The moisturizer is blended with unique light scented perfumed oil, leaving you rejuvenated all day long.

There are many benefits of using petroleum jelly from Mamujee, you might already know of some but I bet there are will be a few you might not have heard of, like petroleum jelly.

  • Can be used on dry and chapped lips during cold seasons.
  • It can also be applied to dry knees and elbows to keep it supple.
  • It could be brushed lightly on the front teeth to prevent colour from transferring on the teeth while applying lipstick.
  • It can be applied around the hairline near the forehead to prevent hair colour from coming out to the forehead.
  • A trick to keep any of your perfumes to last longer is to apply Podoa petroleum jelly in the areas where you want to apply your perfume, spread the jelly and apply your perfume in the designated area, this will keep and make sure the perfume lasts longer by sticking to the jelly.
  • Can be used to soften the skin around the ear piercing, making it easier to wear or remove earnings.
  • Can be used as a makeup remover.
  • Can be used to remove scuffs or smear from shoes in an emergency where there is no shoe polish left.

Mamujee products, has different brands for petroleum jelly; we started with PODOA petroleum jelly 18 years ago, whose perfumes are well balanced, keeping in mind the specific needs of ladies to provide a mild scent that doesn’t cause headaches, leaving the women in an energetic and happier mood. NB: To all the men out there a happier women, makes a happier household, true?

We also have BOSS petroleum jelly for men, whose perfume are very masculine and signify the hard work, strength, and sportsmanship that men endure in their everyday life. Boss petroleum jelly lingers for a long time on the body and gets the most complements from wives, co-workers and friends. The scent also is so enchanting to women that some women prefer using boss petroleum jelly instead of other brands.

Furthermore Mamujee products, also makes ELLA petroleum jelly, the vibrant colours of this product are eye catching and instantly lift up the mood, making you more happier and energetic. Ella petroleum jelly keeps you fresh and focused at all times.


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